
adobe  04.02.2025     Outcome of Board Meeting held on February 04, 2025

adobe  04.02.2025     Integrated Filing(Financial) for December 31, 2024.

adobe  24.01.2025     Intimation of Incorporation of Wholly Owned Subsidiary

adobe  24.01.2025     Signing of Concession Agreement for Exploration & Mining of Block 22B in IZKI Town of Oman with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Sultanate of Oman by Ms Al Hadeetha Mining LLC, a JV company of Ms South west Pinnacle Exploration Ltd.

adobe  02.01.2025     Proceedings of Extra Ordinary General Meeting

adobe  02.01.2025     Voting Results and Scrutinizer Report of EGM.

adobe  02.01.2025     Disclosure for amendment in Article of Association

adobe  01.01.2025     Announcement for Extension of CBM Production contract by Reliance Industries Ltd.

adobe  24.12.2024     Corrigendum to EGM Notice.

adobe  19.12.2024     Announcement for receipt of Letter of Award from Oil India Ltd.

adobe  09.12.2024     Outcome of Board Meeting held on December 07, 2024.

adobe  07.12.2024     Valuation Report for issue of Prefrential Issue.

adobe  28.10.2024     Announcement for receipt of Work Orders from Samlok Industries Private Limited

adobe  28.10.2024     Outcome of Board Meeting held on October 28, 2024

adobe  28.09.2024     Proceedings of 18th Annual General Meeting

adobe  28.09.2024     Voting Results and Scrutinizer Report of 18th AGM.

adobe  04.09.2024     Announcement for receipt of Letter of Award from CMPDI

adobe  12.08.2024     Outcome of Board Meeting held on August 12, 2024.

adobe  05.08.2024     Announcement for receipt of Letters of Award of Contract from CGWB .

adobe  29.07.2024     Announcement on receipt of work Order from Hindalco Industries Ltd

adobe  28.06.2024     Announcement on Receipt of work order from JK Cement Ltd

adobe  04.06.2024     Announcement for receipt of LOI from Vedanta FACOR

adobe  31.05.2024     Outcome of Board Meeting held on May 29, 2024.


adobe  24.03.2022     Announcement for receipt of Work Order from Ultratech Cement Limited

adobe  23.03.2022     Latest Developments in our JV company in Oman

adobe  17.03.2022      Announcement for receipt of Letter of Intent from Hindustan Copper Limited


adobe  14.02.2022      Announcement for receipt of Letter of Intent from JSW Steel Limited

adobe  09.02.2022      Investor's Presentation 09.02.2022.

adobe  09.02.2022     Outcome of Board Meeting held on February 09, 2022

adobe  27.01.2022     Announcement for receipt of Letter of Acceptance from Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research

adobe  30.12.2021     Announcement for receipt of Work Order

adobe  29.11.2021     Announcement for receipt of Letter of Award from Geological Survey of India (GSI)

adobe  22.11.2021     Announcement for issuance of Vesting Order for Jogeshwar & Khas Jogeshwar Coal Mine, Jharkhand, for Sale and or utilisation of coal for any purpose including Coal Gasif

adobe  07.11.2021     Outcome of Board Meeting held on November 07, 2021

adobe  30.09.2021     Outcome of 15th Annual General Meeting held on September 29, 2021

adobe  30.09.2021     Voting Results and scrutinizer Report of 15th Annual General Meeting held on September 29, 2021

adobe  20.08.2021     Announcement for signing of Agreement through our Joint Venture company Alara Resources LLC, Oman for copper Mining.

adobe  09.08.2021     Disclosure Outcome of Board Meeting held on August 09, 2021.

adobe  09.06.2021     Disclosure Outcome of Board Meeting held on June 09, 2021

adobe  14.05.2021     Disclosure under reg 30 of SEBI (LODR) for execution of Joint Venture Agreement


adobe   23.03.2020      Receipt of Letter of Intent from Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research(AMD) .

adobe   04.03.2020      Receipt of Letter of Award from GeologicalSurvey of India (GSI) .

adobe   10.02.2020      Receipt of Letter of Intent from The Odisha Mining Corporation Limited  

adobe   12.12.2019      Receipt of Letter of Intent from Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research  

adobe   09.12.2019      Receipt of Letter of Acceptance from Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited 

adobe   02.12.2019      Receipt of Letter of Award from Deep Industries Limited 

adobe   28.11.2019      Receipt of WorkOrder from Geological Survey of India 

adobe   28.11.2019      Receipt of WorkOrder from Geological Survey of India 

adobe   04.11.2019      Announcement for Receipt of Letter of Acceptance from Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited

adobe   01.11.2019      Update on South West Pinnacle Exploration Limited Overseas Joint Venture-Alara Resources LLC, Oman

adobe   22.10.2019      Receipt of Work Order from Vedanta Limited

adobe   18.09.2019      Receipt of Letter of Acceptance from Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited

adobe   14.09.2019      Outcome of Board Meeting held on September 14, 2019

adobe   14.09.2019      Outcome of 13th Annual General Meeting for FY 2018-19

adobe   14.09.2019      Proceedings & Scrutinizer's Report for 13th Annual General Meeting for FY 2018-19

adobe   13.09.2019      Successfully Empanelled as Drilling Agency for Drilling in Geological Survey of India (GSI)

adobe   02.09.2019      Announcement for receipt of Letter of Intent from Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research

adobe   28.08.2019      Reciept of Supplementary Work Order from Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited , Ranchi

adobe   16.08.2019      Announcement for receipt of Work Orders

adobe  08.08.2019      Letter for Adoption of Ind-AS for Quarter ended on 30th June, 2019

adobe  31.07.2019      Receipt of Letter of Intent from Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research.

adobe  15.07.2019      Receipt of Letter of Award from Commissioner of Geology and Mining, Gujarat.

adobe  05.07.2019      Disclosure for Acquisition of Equity Shares of Pilot Pipelines Private Limited.

adobe  17.06.2019      Disclosure on Related Party Transaction_31.03.2019.

adobe  13.06.2019      Reciept of Letter of Award from Oil India Limited.

adobe  11.06.2019      Receipt of Letter of Intent from Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research.

adobe  03.06.2019      Investor Presentation for Financial Results March 31, 2019.

adobe  03.06.2019      Audio Con Call held on 03.06.2019.mp3

adobe  27.05.2019      Press Relaese for Financial Results as on 31st March 2019.

adobe  20.05.2019      Disclosure for reciept of Letter of Acceptance from CMPDI.

adobe  14.05.2019      Disclosure under reg 47 of SEBI(Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015.

adobe  07.05.2019      Reciept of Letter of Intent from Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Reserarch .

adobe  04.04.2019      Announcement for work order AMD .

adobe  03.04.2019      Disclosure under SEBI Probihition of Insider Trading 2015.

adobe  01.04.2019      Disclosure under reg 30 SEBI(Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015.

adobe  01.04.2019      Disclosure under SEBI (Probihition of InsiderTrading) 2015.

adobe  01.04.2019      POSTAL BALLOT MINUTES.


adobe  31.03.2019      E-voting result postal ballot_SWPEL.

adobe  29.03.2019      Disclosure under SEBI Probihition of Insider trading 2015.

adobe  26.03.2019      Disclosure under SEBI (Probihition of Insider Trading) 2015.

adobe  26.02.2019      SWPEL - Investor Presentation .

adobe  22.02.2019      Announcement FOR WORK ORDER

adobe  13.02.2019      Disclosure under Regulation 7(2)(B) of SEBI(Prohibition of Insider Training)Regulations, 2015.

adobe  2019-2020      SWPEL - Investor Presentation .

adobe  17.12.2018      Disclosure under reg 29(2) of SEBI(Sunstantial Acquisition of shares& Takeovers) Regulations, 2011.

adobe  10.12.2018      Disclosure under Regulation 7(2)(B) of SEBI(Prohibition of Insider Training)Regulations, 2015.

adobe  10.12.2018      Disclosure under Regulation 7(3)(B) of SEBI(Prohibition of Insider Training)Regulations, 2015.

adobe  17.12.2018      Disclosure under Regulation 7(2)(B) of SEBI(Prohibition of Insider Training)Regulations, 2015).

adobe  02.11.2018      SWPEL - Investor Presentation.

adobe  09.10.2018      Acquisition of shares under regulation 30(6) of SEBI(LODR) 2015.

adobe  19.09.2018      Work order by Coal Mining Company.

adobe  30.08.2018      Disclosure under Regulation 7(2)(B) of SEBI(Prohibition of Insider Training)Regulations, 2015.

adobe  16.08.2018      Work awareded by Telecommuinications Consultants India Limited.

adobe  01.08.2018      Work contract awarded by Tata Projects Limited .

adobe  14.08.2018      Work awarded by Geological Survey of India.

adobe  29.06.2018      Reciept of LOI from Odisha Lift Irrigation Corporation Ltd.

adobe  29.06.2018      Disclosure under reg 7(2)(b) of SEBI(Prohibition of Insider Trading)Regulations, 2015.

adobe  06.06.2018      Announcement FOR WORK ORDER BY Reliance Industries Ltd .

adobe  23.05.2018      Announcement under Reg 30(6) of SEBI(LODR) 2015.

adobe  08.06.2018      Disclosure under Regulation 7(2)(B) of SEBI(Prohibition of Insider Training)Regulations, 2015